• Poem Reflecting on the Pacific Palisades Fire | Voice Actor Kabir Singh
  • An ‘Outside-the-Box’ Corporate Voice Over | Voice Actor Kabir Singh
  • How to Find Meaning for Insecure Thoughts (and Overcome Them)
  • Explainer video voice over artistMotion Worship Church Voice Over for Church Media & ‘True & Better’ | Kabir Singh
  • How to Make a Corporate Voice Over Sound More Authentic
  • Emotional Voice Acting: Sounding Human in an Artificial World
  • NFL Voice Over DemoNFL Voice Over: An Inside Look at Sports Ads and NFL Voices
     After the Kansas City Chiefs won the 2019 AFC championship game, they needed to create an electrifying commercial that would build hype for Super Bowl LIV. An ordinary ad would not cut it. An ordinary NFL voice over would not cut it. Just like the team itself, the ad had to look and sound […]
  • Sounding Human: The Grace in Shame | What is Shame? | Voice Actor Kabir Singh
  • Nurturing Client Relationships in Voice Acting: A Case Study with NASCAR | Voice Actor Kabir Singh
  • Consume: Spoken Word Poem on Mental Health & Society’s Expectations
  • How to be a Voice Actor: Business Basics
  • voice artist, voice-over talent, voice actor for hire6 Questions a Voice Actor Should Ask When Reviewing a Script
  • male voice overCybersecurity Voice Over: My Demo & Tips for Commercial Voice Actors and Their Clients
  • 5 Voice Over Tips for Holiday Ads‘Tis the Season: 5 Voice Over Tips for Holiday Ads | Voice Artist Kabir Singh
  • Voice Acting – From a Beginner to a ProfessionalVoice Acting: From a Beginner to a Professional
  • one voice over conferenceHow to Become a Voice Actor?
  • Why a Good IVR Voice is So ImportantWhy a Good IVR Voice is So Important
  • What Makes Someone Great at Voice Acting?What Makes Someone Great at Voice Acting?
  • What is Truth? Poetry & Spoken Word by Voice Artist Kabir Singh
  • How Professional Voice Actors Should Approach Their ScriptsHow Professional Voice Actors Should Approach Their Scripts
  • How to Become a Voice Actor | Voice Acting Tips for BeginnersHow to Become a Voice Actor 2022
  • Youth Mentoring & Speaking at Schools | Best Short Poems for Kids to ReciteYouth Mentoring & Speaking at Schools – Best Short Poems for Kids to Recite
  • Kabir Singh, One of the Top American Voice ActorsOne of the Top American Voice Actors
  • Tips for voice actor pro agencies and producersVoice Actors for Hire: Important Tips for Producers
  • Ready to Hire a Voice Actor? Here are the 5 Must-Ask Questions Before You Do
  • The Secret to High-Quality Voice Over ServicesThe Secret to High-Quality Voice Over Services
  • My Race is Human | One of My Most Personal Poems of Encouragement, Love and Compassion
  • Turtle's Pace | Poems about LifeTurtle’s Pace | Poems about Life
  • Hire a Voice Actor - Mazda CX-30 CommercialHire a Voice Actor – National Car Commercial: Mazda
  • Saddleback Church Kids MinistryVoiceover Demo: Saddleback Church Kids Ministry
     As a professional voice actor, I help a wide range of clients, across multiple industries: commercial, educational, religious and so on. Each voiceover project requires me to adapt my style: the sound of my voice, the energy, the cadence and so on. A great example of this is the voiceover I did for Saddleback […]
  • Worship House Media Demo - Voice Actor TipsWorship House Media Demo: Understanding the Role of the Voice Actor
     The role of the voice actor is critical to the success of a motion worship or church background video. If the tone and delivery does not fit the message, then it can create a jarring experience for church-goers. Church videos and worship house media can serve numerous purposes. For example, a church background video […]
  • Sinus Doctor - Poetic Philosophy PodcastSinus Doctor – Poetic Philosophy Podcast
     Suffer from allergies? Nasal congestion? Sinus pressure in ears? As a voice actor, this is something I can personally relate to – but it’s something that so many of us struggle with. For those of us in the voice industry, a sinus infection or lost voice can be a huge setback. (This is also […]
  • Commercial Voice OverWhat Makes a Great Commercial Voice Over?
     For any commercial voice over to be successful, it needs to be perfectly in-tune with the subject matter and the goal of the message. Every message is different, requiring a different voice, a different tone, a different vibe. As a basic example, your typical car commercial will not sound anything like an ad for […]
  • College Marketing Voice ArtistFearless Ideas: Unlocking the Key to Powerful College Marketing
     I recently had the pleasure of providing the commercial voice over work for the University of Maryland’s new Fearless Ideas campaign – the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the university’s 164-year history. The end result, shown above, is a case study in what makes a great college marketing campaign. Whether the objective is to […]
  • Philosophy of LovePhilosophy of Love | Eternity of Love
     These are challenging and uncertain times. A time of turbulence and unease. In the middle of a global pandemic, we are also witnessing one of the largest protest movements in U.S. history. And on the West Coast, we are experiencing some of the worst wildfires ever recorded. It’s a time of anger and grief […]
  • How to Be a Voice Actor - Kabir SinghHow to Be a Voice Actor
    My tips for getting into the voice over business I recently had the opportunity to share my input and advice on how to be a voice actor at the One Voice Conference. This is an amazing conference that provides voiceover actors and students an open platform for learning and exchanging ideas. I was happy to […]
  • Political Voice Over DemoWhat Makes a Good Political Voice Over Talent?
     As an experienced political voice over talent, I understand how important it is for political advertising to deliver the right message. When an ad misses the mark, it fails to connect with voters. Even worse, a bad ad can sink an entire political campaign. But it’s not just the political script that matters. Every […]
  • i am not a black voice actor i am not an african american voice actor i am a voice actor, urbanI am not a black voice actor. I am not an African-American voice actor. I am a voice actor.
    A voice over actor in the voice over community was offended by my use of the words “Black and African American Accented/Sounding” when describing my voice on my blog. Here’s an example from my website: After a positive and in-depth conversation, it was suggested “urban” is less offensive and preferred when describing my voice. I […]
  • Product of Love – Positive Messages
     I am a product of love. My whole life, a lot of people have shown me a lot of love. I never had a father growing up, so, for me, I always sought guidance from older gentlemen, and those older gentlemen came in the form of older black gentlemen; older Hispanic gentlemen; older white […]
  • Voiceover Client Demo: The COVID-19 Kleenex Commercial
     I recently had the pleasure of doing voice over work for a Kleenex commercial that touches on all the emotions that people are experiencing during these challenging times. While the commercial doesn’t specifically mention COVID-19, it paints a clear picture of #AllTheFeelings that we’re collectively experiencing in this unprecedented moment: uncertainty, grief, sadness, but […]
  • Motivational voice over tips from a proMotivational Voice Over Actor
     Motivational voice overs can be a very powerful way to connect with an audience. When it’s done properly, a good motivational read can have a deep impact on people across all ages, colors and backgrounds. But the opposite is also true: when a voice over misses the mark, it can ruin the whole message. […]
  • The voice of T-Mobile commercialProfessional Voicemail Greetings
     One of the first and most common interactions that a customer has with a company is hearing a recorded voicemail greeting or a “please hold” message. These recorded messages are arguably one of the most important pieces of branding that a business produces. So, why don’t companies put more thought into them? At a […]
  • TV commercial voice over promo and demosVoice Over Promo & Demos for TV Commercials
     There are numerous genres of voiceover. A voice actor can get into animation, commercials, radio or even promo for example. Affiliate voiceover and promotional voice overs, more commonly referred to as “TV Promos”, are a consistently evolving class of voiceovers. Having done a few, but not many, promo demos and commercials for various radio […]
  • Developing self identity man with paintIdentity Spoken Word
    What is one’s identity? What is identity? How many types of identities are there? These are a few of the questions that I’ve thought about as I’ve become a young man. To bluntly break it down–I was an East Indian kid born in India but raised in a trailer park in a predominantly Mexican and […]
  • Healthcare and medical voice talentRegency Healthcare Commercial Voice Actor
    When voicing a commercial for a healthcare facility- voice talent are usually required to have a respectively “mature” sounding voice. Often times the script copy can be health sensitive and requires a compassionate and empathetic tone in nature. I tend to gravitate towards advertising copy that is sensitive and emotional. As a professional healthcare voice […]
  • The voice of Sam Adams beer commercialSam Adams Beer Commercial Voice Actor
    I haven’t voiced a lot of beer voiceover commercials in my career. However, I’ve always been allured by their high energy voice acting performances. Beer commercials and the beer advertising campaigns that follow- usually target young millennials nowadays. When working on this voiceover project for Sam Adams, the director did a great job of letting […]
  • Church youth mentor voiceover actingChurch Youth Voiceover Project
    When I was younger I always wanted a brother or mentor to look up to. Being raised in a house full of all women, (mom and sisters & no father, I often searched for the masculine energy. In my low-income community there were many churches that offered big brother type youth programs. Although I never […]
  • Overcoming insecuritiesInsecurity
    Insecurity can be a very powerful force. Insecurity can lead to confidence issues but it can also lead to moments of empowerment. Insecurity can be defined in many different ways. I know many insecure people including myself. We all have insecurities. Overcoming those insecurities can often be a challenge. Insecurities have a powerful way of […]
  • Man with lights in puddleReality Vs Dreams Spoken Word
    Never stop dreaming. We hear it all the time- Never stop dreaming. But, what does that really mean? Many would argue that life is like a dream. Is life a dream? Or is life just reality? Reality vs Dreams is a spoken word poem I created when I found myself at my own crossroads with […]
  • Football voice over for the NFLKansas City Chiefs NFL Football Voice Over
    Football voice over, particularly the NFL, is one of favorite genres of voice over projects to work on. Pro football voice over requires a certain level of gravitas and swagger. The NFL voice over requires a sound that resonates with the hard working and gritty audience it attracts. Authenticity triumphs all in this case. NFL […]
  • Voice over pro tips voice123.comVoice123.com Review
    Hey what’s up? My name is Kabir Singh, I’m a voice actor, poet and philosopher from Los Angeles, California. You can checkout some of my work and testimonials at KabirsVoice.com. So today I’m talking about Voice123. It’s a great site. It’s a platform where voice talent can get auditions every day, every month, every week, […]
  • Voice over pro tips Bodalgo.comBodalgo.com Review
    Hey, what’s up? My name is Kabir Singh. I’m a voice actor, poet and philosopher from Los Angeles, California. You could check out some of the work and testimonials at Kabirsvoice.com. I appreciate your time. Today, we’re talking about Bodalgo.com. I’ve been a member on Bodalgo.com for well over four years. It’s been a great […]
  • Voice over pro tips voiceovers.comVoiceovers.com Review
    Hey, what’s up? My name is Kabir Singh. I’m a voice actor, poet and a philosopher from Los Angeles, California. You can check out some of the work at kabirsvoice.com. Today, we’re gonna be talking about voiceovers.com. It’s a new and emerging platform in 2019 for voice actors to find high quality voice over projects. […]
  • Urban style voice over actorSpring Moves Urban Voiceover Project
    The online marketplace for voice overs is constantly evolving. Every year new sites replace old sites promising a vast area of casting, auditions and talent. On the journey of voice acting online, talent will come across 3 main voice acting casting sites: voices.com, voice123 and voiceovers.com. I had my share of experience on all of […]
  • University of Nebraska Lincoln voice over actorUniversity of Nebraska Lincoln Voiceover Project
    I have voiced thousands of commercials. Each voice over is treated as a unique experience. The University of Nebraska Lincoln voice over project was and is one of my most admired voice over productions. The casting specs were perfectly in line with my branded urban voice. They wanted a voice that was: poetic, raw, real […]
  • Commercial voiceover projects for universities and collegesVoiceovers for Universities & Colleges – IUPUI Pride
    Commercial voiceover projects for universities and colleges are very popular throughout this country. The IUPUI voice over project is a great example of a university that rallied around student and alumni pride and created content around that concept. The university wanted a voice that would stand out as an inspiring authority figure amongst the growing […]
  • Olympia Washington voiceover talentExperience Olympia Washington Voice Actor
    When clients hire voice actors, they may not always know exactly what they are looking for. Producers are inflexed with constant banner ads that say “voice actors for hire” yet finding the right voice for the project can often be a serious adventure. With the plethora of casting sites such as Voices.com and Voice123, many […]
  • Our King Palm Sunday voice actorChristian Bible Reading Voice Over Actor – Palm Sunday
    The Easter holiday is a celebration for the Christian community and it is a great time of the year. During Palm Sunday many videographers and freelancers bid to create content for Christian churches across the country and most likely they will be looking for voice over talent. Christian Bible voice over projects and Bible voice […]
  • Temple University voiceover talentTemple University College Voiceover Actor
    Most University voice over projects require one thing in common – pride. The voice must reflect a sense and feeling of pride. Not arrogance and not ego. Just an authentic voice of pride for the community, history, and alumni of the school. The Temple University voiceover project had a lot of pride in it. Their […]
  • Christ the King Church Voice ActorChristian and Church Worship Voiceover – The Sentimental Read
    Christian and church worship voiceover work is very popular during the months of December through May. Holidays like Christmas along with the Easter weekend produce some of the most valuable content for churches around the country. Christian voiceover and church voiceover projects usually require a few specific vocal traits. The voice must be honest, loving, […]
  • Franklin & Marshall College voice over artistFranklin & Marshall College Voice Over Commercial
    I have done thousands of commercials for colleges and universities all across the country. College voice over and a millennial sound is my bread and butter in terms of voice over income. However, there are always a few college voice over commercials that stand out above the rest. Franklin & Marshall College is one of […]
  • Love Trumps hateLove Trumps Hate
    How do you show love? How do you receive love? I’ve often thought about these questions as I’ve grown into a young man. I didn’t really have a relationship with love when I was growing up. I didn’t understand love. I would often hear people say “be love” or “it’s all about love” but if […]
  • Kansas City Chiefs Voice Over TalentKansas City Chiefs NFL Voice Over Talent
    When a client requests an “athletic sound” the voice talent will have to access their inner athlete. But, no two athletes are alike. A football voice over project requires a talent to have a certain level of gravitas and courage. A certain energy and quiet intensity to their voice over. During my Kansas City Chiefs […]
  • Society of Voice Arts and Sciences award winnerSociety of Voice Arts & Sciences Award Winner
    I am still learning how to play this game. I’m not really use to awards and recognitions so receiving the award for outstanding spoken word performance took me by surprise. SOVAS and the voice arts awards are becoming industry leaders in the areas of voice over conference and talent recognition. The 2018 Voice Arts Awards, […]
  • Voice actor for real estateHow to Develop Business Sales Communication
    When I was younger I was a silent salesman.  Every job that I had involved selling a product or service- but when I communicated with customers I was silent in my authenticity. I was just like every other salesman out there, nothing unique or special about my method. We’ve all experienced a great salesman- because […]
  • South Central urban voiceSpeaking Love In the Hood
    Everyone has an inner voice and there is an art to discovering your inner voice. I’ve spent many years participating in activities that have helped guide me in discovering my unique inner voice. Activities such as: poetry, voice acting, working out/martial arts and self-improvement. I consider myself fortunate to have the opportunities and time to […]
  • University of Dayton voice over artistUniversity of Dayton Ohio Voice Over Talent
    I love voicing college and university voice over projects. One of the most important factors in voicing a project that targets teens and young adults is that you have to sound authentic. Real. Raw. There has to be a sense of relatability and conversational pace that the voice reflects. Inspiration is almost always a common […]
  • Voice over projects for children’s toysChildren’s Toys Voice Over Actor
    Doing voice over projects for children’s toys was not something I expected during my early years in this business. Children’s voice overs require a super energy voice. Hexbug Ring Racer was a great project for me to work on because it expanded my vocal range and allowed me to tap into a very fun read. […]
  • Voice acting church worship demoChurch Worship Voice Over Actor Demo
    When you first start your journey has a voice over actor, you never really know what genre of voice overs you will enjoy the most. Over the many years of being a professional voice over talent I have fallen in love with doing voice over projects for churches and worship houses. More specifically Christian voice […]
  • Kabir Singh Voice Actor PhotosVoice Over Artist from Los Angeles – Kabir Singh
    My name is Kabir Singh. I am a professional voice over artist from Los Angeles California. As one of the top voice over actors in the industry, I have worked with many of the world’s largest brands. In addition to voice acting, I am also a poet and philosopher. In today’s marketplace, there are many […]
  • Kabir Singh Voice Actor Face PhotoUrban and Poetic Voice Over Demo – Kabir Singh
    Every creative knows the value of a well put together portfolio. But what really makes a good portfolio of work? Each industry is different. Each art is different. Various creative endeavors will require a vast array of samples. For Voice Actors, our Voice Over Demo is one of our most important creative assets. However, in […]
  • Wendy's commercial voice actorWendy’s Spec Commercial Voice Over Actor
    This Wendy’s spec commercial is a funny and clever twist for a classic fast food sandwich. Traditionally Wendy’s has been using the sweet red headed lady in their national commercials. Although wholesome, the team and I felt like that the company needed some edge. Some more personality so that it can cater to the rising […]
  • Boys & Girls Club of America voice actorBoys & Girls Club of America Voice Actor
    This Boys & Girls Club of America spec commercial is the voice of a big brother, a mentor and counselor that motivates and guides the youth in his/her community. Its message needed to be delivered with tender authority and love. I grow up in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. The after school programs were […]
  • Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) voice overLECOM College Voice Actor
    I love motivating students. A lot of my voice over projects request a college sound. A voice over that is: raw, real, urban, passionate, and African American (sound/dialect). This Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine voice over voice is cool, confident and mature with a touch of poetic flavor and swag. The LECOM marketing director […]
  • Under Armour voice actorVoice Over Actor for Under Armour
    This professional voice over for Under Armour is a motivating, urban driven and athlete focused spec commercial. It’s raw energy with a “in your face” attitude. As a professional voice talent I have to dig deep into the stylization of a project. I have to consider the pace and inflection independently and cohesively at the […]
  • Memphis Grizzlies voice actorVoice Over Actor for NBA’s Memphis Grizzlies
    Disclaimer: This Digital Asset is owned by the NBA. This sample is for Voice Over Actor Commercial Demo purposes only.  When you connect a director who has years of experience and know-how, with a professional voice actor, you bring out the best in each other. This is one of my favorite pieces of work. The […]
  • The voice of Liberty University commercialLiberty University Voice Actor Project
    There are a lot of male voice actors in this industry. I remember when I first started to pursue this art, I didn’t know which voice over genre I would really fit into. What was “my voice”?  Which demographic would relate to me? I studied other male voice over talent and went through the vast […]
  • Voice of Nintendo Switch commercialNintendo Voice Over Actor
    Disclaimer: This Digital Asset is owned by Nintendo. This sample is for Voice Over Actor Commercial Demo purposes only. I don’t take any job for granted. When I first started out in my career, I would audition for hours a day and never book a single job. I didn’t expect to, but I practiced with […]
  • Voice of University of MarylandUniversity of Maryland Voice Actor
    I audition for a lot of University and College voice over commercials. As a voice over specialist based in Los Angeles, CA, it was imperative my millennial college voice demos reflect a “nonspecific geographical” sound. This custom voice over was for the University of Maryland (UMD). The director casted voice over talent from all around […]
  • Explainer video voice over talentExplainer Video Voice Actor Demo
    The rise of the explainer video! Marketing’s newest and most undervalued display of creative genius. I’ve done thousands of explainer videos for companies all across the world. Some of my explainer video clients include: GE, Nike, Western Union and Coke.  Explainer videos often ask for a voice actor that is articulate, fresh and has just […]
  • Christian worship voice actorChurch Worship: Resurrection Story
    Whenever I review auditions looking for voice actors, I narrow them down by: voice over rate, usage, genre and client. Professional voice over rates tend to vary depending on a few of these key factors. Sometimes, it’s a “give and take” for the right opportunity and/or client. When I come across worship media and Christian […]
  • The voice in the Pepsi commercialPepsi Voice Over Actor – Kabir Singh
    What is it about adventure that intrigues even the most hypnotized being? Whether it be from the hypnosis of: the 9-5 job, the mundane relationship or even the feeling one gets deep inside that ignites an “inner spark” every time we encounter something pleasantly spontaneous – we love us some fucking adventure! Pepsi wanted to […]
  • The voice of Quicksilver commercialQuicksilver Voice Over Actor – Kabir Singh
    There are various levels to any art we wish to master. At the basic, you must first be the apprentice before you can become the master. Prior to booking this Quicksilver voice over commercial, I never officially felt like “Kabir Singh the Voice Over Guy.” This job was my first big industry/agency job. After completing […]
  • Voice over rates, fees and pricesVO Hustle: Cost, Prices, Rates & Fees
    This is a game for hustlers. A freelancer is, in his/her most raw state, a straight up hustler. A hustler in the most positive light. As a freelance voice over actor, I must constantly remind myself that those looking for voice actors are also, themselves, freelancers. That commonality is a crucial bond often overlooked during […]
  • Nike voice over artistNike Voice Over Actor – Kabir Singh
    One of my favorite books is “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight. Described as “A memoir by the creator of NIKE,” the story of this iconic company is one that is greatly admired and appreciated. We’ve all heard of the name and can recognize the infamous logo, but, what about “The Voice of Nike?” Nike doesn’t […]
  • Hustle does in the land of comfortHustle Dies In Comfort Zone
    Comfort feels fucking great. I love comfort, you love comfort- everyone, at some point in their lives, enjoys comfort. Some of us seek comfort daily. Comfort however, like many things in life, should be enjoyed in good balance with its “counterpart.” Discomfort (uncomfortable). The dark side. The place we all hate going. The place that […]
  • Ayahuasca illustration with lettersAyahuasca: The Dark and The Light
    The darkness. It can be a scary place. For me, The Ego is where my darkness lies. Ayahuasca is the doorway to one’s ego (to one’s darkens). The infinite place where one buries his/her: fears, lies, envy, and lust among many other psychological and spiritual illusions. Ayahuasca taught me that you must live with your […]
  • Surface level hustler voice over actorSurface Level Hustler
    There are two main types of hustlers in life. The surface level hustler and the deep hustler. For most of my life I have been a surface level hustler. A surface level hustler is one that only analyzes and observes on the surface level. There is no depth to the surface level hustler.  The surface […]
  • Learn humility lettersHumility
    My mom has taught me many lessons in life. Humility is one of those lessons that I have seen her lead by example by for over 65 years.  What does it mean to be humble? How does one achieve a sense of humility? My mom has lived a humble life. She was born very rich, […]
  • The Hippie voice over artistThe Hippie
    Many of my friends would say I am a Hippie. But – compared to whom? You see, I need the non-hippie in my life so I can compare and realize that I am more of a hippie. In many ways the non-hippie friends in my life help me to strengthen my beliefs. In order to […]
  • T-Mobile voice over guyThe T-Mobile Voice Over Guy
    I remember working for Radio Shack when I was about 16 years old. It was my first job and I was selling T-Mobile cell phones. I was also a Tmobile customer. Fast forward 15 years and I’m still a T-Mobile customer. The cycle of life can be unpredictable and I have learned that my journey […]
  • Donald Trump profile illustrationLove Trumps Hate
    How would you define love? What does love means to you? As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that there are different types of “loves” in the world. The love for my mom is a different then the love expressed towards my best friend. The love for my girlfriend is much different than the love I […]
  • Stop bullying microphone and boyThe Bully
    I don’t condemn bullies. I don’t hate bullies. Matter of fact, I embrace and have love for bullies. By love I really mean- empathy. Being bullied for most of my adolescence, by “The Bully” has taught me many things in life in terms of: building my character, understanding empathy, building self-confidence and discovering who “Kabir” […]
  • Illustration of a diamondPoetic Philosophy: The Diamond
    How does one find spiritual awakening? I’ve often thought about this but I would be a fool to say that I know the answer. However, love is the first emotion that comes to my mind. One must be love and learn how to show love. For most of my life, I didn’t know how to […]
  • Bud Light voice over commercialUrban Beer Commercial Voice Over
    Urban. I hear that word a lot in the voiceover industry nowadays.  When I first started my voiceover career, I never expected to be one of the top professional urban voice over talent in the industry.  Having voiced urban style reeds for companies such as Pepsi, NBA, NFL and many others–I quickly became one of […]
  • Voice over hustle consultations microphoneVO Hustle: Becoming Voice Over Actor
    Technology requires humans to adapt. Adapt to the ever changing business, political, social and spiritual world. The voice over business is no different. Becoming a voice actor means you have to learn a plethora of different skills. From acting to accounting, owning a professional voice over business is serious business. I started my voice over […]
  • Kabir's Voice Christian WorshipChurch Worship: Children’s Bible Stories
    I get many requests for Christian bible study voice over projects. These voice over recordings can vary in: pace, inflection, energy and cadence. Some require a pensive voice that builds in energy and some voice overs require a high energy storytelling voice. This voice over project is for the world famous mega Christian Church Saddleback […]
  • Voice over skills neon lightPoetic Philosophy: Mastery Of Skills
    Personal development seems like my personal “life’s purpose”. I love to learn and develop new skills. To be honest, I suck as most things. But, my hunger to improve skills and master skills keeps me progressing in almost all my endeavors. Whether it be leadership skills, voice over skills or personal skills like, learning jujitsu, […]
  • Liberty University college voice over football stadiumLiberty University Voice Over
    College voice over commercials seem to all have one goal- to inspire. Inspire their current students, faculty and future graduates. That inspiration can come in various digital forms, but as a professional voice actor my job is to create that inspiration through the art of spoken word. University voice over projects require a sense of […]
  • Bully punching the groundPoetic Philosophy: The Bully
    Bullying at school is a very personal topic for me. I was bullied ever since I was a child. Bullying comes in many forms. Nowadays, social media has added an extra dimension to the potential effects of bullying. From physical and emotional bullying, to bullying at work and at home- the complexities of bullying can […]
  • Kabir Singh Voice Actor Face PhotoClient Pitch for Voice Actors
    I’ve been a professional voice over artist since 2012. I’ve recorded thousands of voice over projects for companies big and small alike. I have learned and developed many voice over recording and creative techniques. One of the most effective and imperative tools a professional voice over talent can possess is the ability to do a […]
  • Microphone for voice overVO Hustle: Consultations
    A live voice over session is a great learning experience.  Efficiently running a live voice over session can be challenging at times. I would like to share a few vo tips with you that have ensured my live voice over sessions run with efficiency. Clear communication, allowing oneself to be directed, knowing when to lead […]
  • Man walking on roadThe Power Of Your Voice
    I was bullied my entire childhood. From grade school to high school, I remember being called a “7-11 Queer” a “P***y” and a “Sand N***er.” I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt me, it did. But, I stayed quiet. Never spoke up. I was too afraid. So, I just took the words and […]