The darkness. It can be a scary place. For me, The Ego is where my darkness lies. Ayahuasca is the doorway to one’s ego (to one’s darkens). The infinite place where one buries his/her: fears, lies, envy, and lust among many other psychological and spiritual illusions. Ayahuasca taught me that you must live with your darkness. You must recognize the darkness. You must be comfortable with your darkness. Ayahuasca is the infinite internal mirror. The traveler will journey deep within himself into a place that has no rules. Only darkness with tunnels and glimpses of light.

The light. The place we all wish to be. Defeating one’s ego will lead you to “the light.” Ayahuasca taught me that you cannot have darkness without light and you cannot have light without darkness. The light & the dark must live in harmony. We all have darkness and light within us. This is the commonality we share as humans. I am you and you are me. It is the yin and yang inside of us that reveals the truth we all seek.

Ayahuasca illustration with letters

Traveling to Peru in 2010 was a calculated and well thought out decision for me. I went only for Ayahuasca. I first heard about Ayahuasca in 2007 on the Joe Rogan Podcast. But, I was nowhere near ready to travel the journey into darkness. When I finally decided to go, I prepared and researched for over 6 months. Ayahuasca must be respected. The journey is not to be taken for granted nor is it supposed to be considered “fun.” To me, Ayahuasca was going to be hard work. There was no pleasure in it. Traveling to Peru and enjoying Iquitos, was a great and memorable experience, and pleasurable in many ways. But, consuming Ayahuasca, was very hard work. The medicine takes about 45 mins to take into effect and lasts about 5 hours. It tastes like mud, clay, ash and roots all grinded together to form a thick brown glue like texture. Ayahuasca is taken in the darkness of the jungle. I believe, the best way to consume Ayahuasca is in the jungle, with a well-respected Shaman. There are many fears one will face while on Ayahuasca, one of them is staying calm under the adventurous cosmic night noises that surround the raw jungle environment.

For those that are considering the journey of Ayahuasca, I can only share my experience and truth. My truth is that, Ayahuasca can change your perspective/life. In a positive way or negative way? I don’t know. Each person’s journey is their own. If you respect the process, research, rules, medicine, preparation and journey as a whole- you have a good chance of positive growth. If you are afraid of your darkness, you should me. Fear is natural. Fear is ok. Fear is an illusion waiting to be revealed. Ayahuasca will place you at the doorsteps of your most inner fears and in my experience, it won’t give you the option of opening the door and taking a few steps. You, eventually, will be required to travel your own journey of fear.

Be brave. Be true. Be you.

Kabir Singh.

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Tap the “Philosopher” tab above to watch more inspiring videos similar to how ayahuasca helped me see the darkness and light, yin and yang within myself and made me realize that I am you, you are me.

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There are two main types of hustlers in life. The surface level hustler and the deep hustler. For most of my life I have been a surface level hustler. A surface level hustler is one that only analyzes and observes on the surface level. There is no depth to the surface level hustler.  The surface level hustler only cares about the material and superficial. His/her goals are driven by illusions of grandeur.

In order to achieve any type of success one must be motivated to dig deeper than the surface. They must become a deep level hustler driven to educate yourself on your chosen task/goal to the depth of its possibility. To learn and experience everything you can in regards to that: art, activity, hobby, job, idea etc. Going deeper into its fears, its challenges and obstacles. Immerse yourself- to access the deep level mentality that will lead to your success.

Surface level hustler voice over actor

I started voice acting in 2007 and I quickly learned that success did not live on the surface level. For voice acting I couldn’t just advertise myself into a job. I couldn’t just take a class and within a year start making money. All my mentors existed and played in the deep level. They were deep level hustlers. They studied and experienced voice acting 16+ hours a day. They auditioned every day, communicated with clients every day, grew their business every day. The key word being every day. This included also working on: the art of voice acting, branding, tech and finance. That is the difference between a surface level hustler and a deep level hustler. That is the difference between an amateur and a professional. In order to be a professional you must dig deep. You must strive to become a deep level hustler. Eight years into the voice acting game- I have learned that the deeper I go, the more I have yet to learn. That is the mentality one must develop in order to be successful.

To learn how to go deep and beyond the surface level one must study other deep level hustlers.  I achieved this through consultations. All business adventures have expenditures. Budget yourself for a few good consultations with successful mentors that can help you answer deep level questions regarding your art and/or business endeavor. Through consultations one can access deep level hustling. You must develop a mentality that is resilient, persistent, and visionary. Educate yourself and go deeper into your art. Sacrifice the time you have now so that you can have better control of your time in the future. Once you’re successful, hopefully your mentality of analyzing and observing life on a deeper level will guide you for the rest of your journey. Whether it be success in finance, relationships or anything else, seek to become a deep level hustler.

Kabir Singh.

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Tap the “Philosopher” tab above to watch more inspiring videos similar to how to go and dig deeper, immerse and educate yourself.

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My mom has taught me many lessons in life. Humility is one of those lessons that I have seen her lead by example by for over 65 years.  What does it mean to be humble? How does one achieve a sense of humility? My mom has lived a humble life. She was born very rich, and then became very poor, only to spend the rest of her life working as a single mom raising her children. With no education or formal English training, she spent her whole life sacrificing for her children. My mom was humbled by life. My mom’s struggle has humbled me. She handled her struggles with grace which further humbles me.

By remembering one’s struggles in life, and appreciating our blessings in life, we are able to achieve a sense of humility. But humility is something we have to work on every day. It is not easy to be grounded. It is not easy to stay humble. But it is very easy to get humbled. I have been humbled in many ways by life. The last time I was humbled was a few weeks ago when a 15-year-old Jujitsu kid wrapped me up and submitted me in less than 3 minutes. I quickly dissolved my ego and drowned in my puddle of sorrow for about 30 mins before realizing this was one of life’s most important lessons – humility. To achieve humility almost seems egotistical in its very nature.  But I have found that in the pursuit of achieving a sense of humility one is able to practice the art of defeating his or her Ego every day. This is a crucial aspect of achieving a sense of humility – you must defeat your ego daily.

Learn humility letters

Helping my mom mop the floor at 32 years old as a very successful businessman helps me achieve humility. I remember being so poor that we couldn’t afford a mop. We would crawl on the floor and clean the floor with towels on our hands and feet.  Helping my mom clean the house and mop the floor at this point in my life, knowing that I can afford for the service to be taken care of, keeps me humble. It keeps me grounded. It teaches me lessons, such as – I should never take anything for granted in life and to enjoy the good as much as the bad. And to never allow materialism to affect how I treat people. To respect and have dignity for all labor.

Humility is a beautiful thing. Humble yourself today. Find small things you can do or think about that help you achieve a sense of appreciation for the little things in life.  Humility requires character and integrity. Humility requires honesty. Humility is reward to those that achieve its grace.

Be Humble. Stay Humble. Respect The Ride.

Kabir Singh.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Page Here.

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Tap the “Philosopher” tab above to watch more inspiring videos similar to how to get humility, be humble, stay grounded all by helping your mom.

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Many of my friends would say I am a Hippie. But – compared to whom? You see, I need the non-hippie in my life so I can compare and realize that I am more of a hippie. In many ways the non-hippie friends in my life help me to strengthen my beliefs. In order to have a stronger belief one must test those beliefs with others that challenge it. The yin and the yang must co-exist.

Seek balance in all aspects of your life. Maintaining a healthy balance is a daily endeavor. However, it is the key in maintaining a healthy intellectually and spiritual presence. In order to build your perspective and strengthen your mentality as you travel this journey of life, you must embrace people who are different. It’s okay to remain inside the box of your own beliefs but one must venture out outside of the box if they wish to learn the unique lessons of life. What makes me stronger in my career, personal life and relationships, is that I openly embrace all that I experience…especially those that don’t share the same perspectives, beliefs, or customs as me. In my case, we can refer to them as the non-hippie.

The Hippie voice over artist

For example, a very close friend of mine is a non-hippie. He is very conservative, very rigid in his beliefs and does not endorse or like any drugs or psychedelics. Yet, he has taught me precious life lessons and has contributed significantly to my growth as a man. The wisdom that he shares with me helps me strengthen my own beliefs and at times challenge them. The non-hippie brings balance to my life and it is that opposition that makes Kabir- Kabir. And the best part is, I bring balance to his life. I share with him a different perspective of empathy and we learn together. The hippie and the non-hippie. The Democrat and Republican. The liberal and the conservative. It doesn’t matter what the title is, the idea is for all to live in harmony.  Too often we get caught up in our differences and forget about our commonalities.

If we want to grow in life: spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally– We must embrace our differences. And embrace those that challenge our beliefs. We must stay united through our differences. Bound only by love, compassion, and grace.  I don’t ever imagine a utopian world. But I do believe that we as humans have the potential to express more love than hate and if that makes me a hippie, I proudly embrace it.

The Hippie.

Kabir Singh.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Page Here.

Checkout my YouTube Playlist Here!

Tap the “Philosopher” tab above to watch more inspiring videos similar to getting inspiration from “the hippie” and people who are different including getting empathy, breaking out from inside the box and what makes me stronger.

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I remember working for Radio Shack when I was about 16 years old. It was my first job and I was selling T-Mobile cell phones. I was also a Tmobile customer. Fast forward 15 years and I’m still a T-Mobile customer. The cycle of life can be unpredictable and I have learned that my journey as a voice actor will be filled with moments that are surreal.

I remember seeing an audition for “iVR/customer service representative” and almost passing it up.  Not because I was too good for it, but on the contrary, I felt like I had little to no experience with the “telephony” genre. There was no name attached to the client. The budget was to be determined and the audition details were minimal. What would eventually become my official T-Mobile audition lasted about five rounds. I remember when I booked the job, I couldn’t help but to first sit and reflect on my RadioShack days. Working for minimum wage and barely affording to even pay for a cell phone at that time.

T-Mobile voice over guy

So now, I tell myself that I have to be appreciative of these moments. These moments that I’m allowed to experience so graciously in life. I see them as a privilege. It’s a good feeling to climb the ladder of success in life. Everyone’s definition of success is different and should be. When I became the T-Mobile guy, and the official TMobile customer service and IVR voice–I felt like I had reached the top of the ladder. I didn’t care if it lasted forever or just for a moment- I was finally successful. I remember days in my life being so poor that my mom struggled to feed us and now to be working with major corporations as their go to voice actor is something that humbles me and makes me proud of my accomplishments.

Like all things in life–evolution will take place and trends will change. I know I won’t be the t-mobile IVR voice forever, but that realization is what keeps me hungry. Hungry to learn and grow my business. You see, to me success is always right around the corner. It may be achieved and enjoyed for a moment and then one must continue to learn and grow. And to always strive for a new success.  I am enjoying the journey of being the T-Mobile guy. I hope to be the company’s main voice one day and do all of their commercials and campaigns. It is a role that I appreciate, respect, and enjoy doing. And I’m still a very happy T-Mobile customer.

Kabir Singh.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Page Here.

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Tap the “Philosopher” tab above to watch more inspiring videos similar to how I moved up, climbed the ladder and engaged in the cycle of life by going from a T Mobile guy to becoming the voice of the tmobile customer service line.

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How would you define love? What does love means to you? As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that there are different types of “loves” in the world. The love for my mom is a different then the love expressed towards my best friend. The love for my girlfriend is much different than the love I have for my sisters. But even though we have different levels and stages of love, I’m learning that there are few commonalities amongst all types of love. One of those commonalities is sacrifice.

I learned a lot about love and sacrifice from my mom. Family love has taught me a lot about sacrifices that are necessary in order to persevere during times of struggle. My mom sacrificed her whole life for me and my sisters when my dad died. That level of sacrifice has taught me the meaning of love and what it takes to truly “be” love. Some of the best moments in life are going to be the ones that give you an overwhelming feeling of love.

Understanding love is not as easy as understanding fear. Love is as equally as powerful as fear but not as easily understood. I have found that the more love you show the more love you shall receive. Most of my adolescence was spent in solitude as I had no friends growing up. The only love I received was family love. When I matured and became a young man, I learned that it was my lack of confidence in myself, along with a host of other factors, that prevented me from receiving love. I was holding myself back. My negativity. My illusions and lack of social understandings.  The brutal truth was – I did not love myself.

Donald Trump profile illustration

The light is love. Whatever periods of darkness you may have in life, understand that love will shed its light in it eventually.  Loving yourself is the key to that light. At 32 years old, I have finally learned to love myself. Self-love has to be discovered. It’s okay if you don’t love yourself right now. I always felt like I had to earn love. Earn it because- I was not a happy person. I was not a positive person. I was not person that was adding anything good in someone’s life. I had to become that person. I had to shine my light of love within myself first.

Each individual has a diverse experience in life. My experiences in childhood were a series of unfortunate events and abuses. Thus, for most of my adolescence I hated life. I was a negative person. I was sad and depressed. Hate was my energy and everyone knew it, better yet, they could feel it.  Overcoming that self-hate was a gradual process. It takes time and patience is required. You have to show as much love as you can and shine your light of love authentically inside and outside of yourself- everyday. That journey took many years for me and today I reap its rewards. Now I shine my light of love in as many places as I can. A few things I try to do that accomplish this are:

  • listening more than talking
  • authentically caring about others
  • being selfless in small acts
  • serving the less fortunate
  • learning and improving conversation skills
  • forgiving myself for the mistakes I’ve made
  • forgiving others for the mistakes they’ve made

Love trumps hate. Love will always trump hate. Hate of self and hate of others prevents our spirit from truly being free. So for an individual out there who is seeking a form of enlightenment or love, show as much love as you can in your daily steps. Loving yourself as you are loving others. Positivity over negativity. Love over hate.

Kabir Singh.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Page Here.

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Tap the “Philosopher” tab above to watch more inspiring videos similar to understanding how love trumps hate and how diverse family experience can produce the best moments in life.

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I don’t condemn bullies. I don’t hate bullies. Matter of fact, I embrace and have love for bullies. By love I really mean- empathy. Being bullied for most of my adolescence, by “The Bully” has taught me many things in life in terms of: building my character, understanding empathy, building self-confidence and discovering who “Kabir” really is. My personal experiences and stories of being bullied would make a grown man cry. But I am not a victim. Nor do I seek to be. However, having lived these situations I have learned that my stories may shed some positive light on the aftermath of the long term abuse from being bullied.

I am 32 years old.  From ages 5 to my late teens, I was bullied in one form or another. In my adolescence, a lot of my bullying was because I was an Indian kid in a predominately African American and Mexican school in La Puente, CA.  I had no father figure, no confidence in myself and did not know how to defend myself. We lived in poverty and I was raised by all women. I’ve been beaten up many times and in many different ways. From verbal abuse to physical abuse I’ve experienced it all through every grade I went through. How did I defend myself? I never did.  I was a very easy target. I had no inner courage, I was never trained on how to defend against bullies and I was too soft (mentally and physically).

Stop bullying microphone and boy

I recall stories of having my face shoved into restroom stalls. I’ve been called every racial slur and name imaginable. I know the feeling of never being invited to a party or dance. I know what it’s like to have teachers laugh at you along with the whole class. I can clearly remember crying myself to sleep many nights because I was lonely and had no friends. This list can go on and on….

What I never experienced was Internet and cyber bullying. I can only imagine the depth of that mixed in with all the other types of possible bullying children go through nowadays. But, now as a considerably, much more positive, stronger and confident man, I can’t help but appreciate the positive outcomes of me being bullied. Being bullied has allowed me to observe the world from a more empathetic and compassionate place. Being bullied has taught me that having compassion and developing my inner strength, releases me from being the role of “victim” and the enslavement that that mentality can garner.

On the surface level one may ask: how to develop self-confidence? Or how to defend against bullies? But these answers will not solve the work that is needed within oneself. I had to find the little boy Kabir that was all curled up inside and teach him. I had to spend time with him and struggle with him. There are many ways I worked on “myself” including: fixing and building my character, serving others, building my communication skills, reading and meditating on compassion and empathy. I am still working on myself. It is through the building of self-esteem and improving one’s mental and physical state, that he/she can overcome the struggles of being bullied.

I’m relatively successful and happy in my life. I appreciate every experience, every struggle, every bully that has ever hurt me.  It is through the dark days I’ve experienced in life; I have learned the most valuable lessons from. If you or anyone you know was or is being bullied I encourage you discover your inner courage and find your compassion. To learn how to defend yourself and be a leader not a follower. I encourage you to have hope and build your character. Lead by example through the way you treat yourself and others, including your so called “opponents.” The bullied and the bully can coexist and teach each other.

May the bully one day develop empathy and teach wisdom to those that come after, for the cycle continues and the lessons await.

Kabir Singh.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Page Here.

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Tap the “Philosopher” tab above to watch more inspiring videos similar to The Bully – Discover my examples of how to develop, gain, get, boost, build, improve and increase inner strength, self confidence and self esteem.

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How does one find spiritual awakening? I’ve often thought about this but I would be a fool to say that I know the answer. However, love is the first emotion that comes to my mind. One must be love and learn how to show love. For most of my life, I didn’t know how to show love. Loving myself was the biggest challenge, let alone having the ability to love anyone else. Your love for yourself and your love for others will grow as you grow: mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

How did I begin loving myself? I put that mirror up and reflected on all the ways I communicated a form of negative energy. For instance, the way I would misjudge someone because of my own insecurities or the countless years I spent eating away my sadness instead of working out and taking care of my health. I would sit and complain about how no one wanted to be my friend but that was not the problem. The problem I had was- I didn’t love myself and I never searched inside myself to discover why.

Search inside yourself.

What if I told you that – inside yourself is where the ultimate love resides? Its where the diamond is. The diamond we all search for. Call it happiness. Call it success. Call it whatever you want. I believe that loving myself and loving others authentically has led to my success in business and life. Now, it’s not that easy to just go grab the diamond of love. You have to search and grow into spiritual maturity. The spiritual maturing process means observing and dealing with one’s: ego, lust, hate, envy, jealousy and a plethora of other ego dissolving challenges. Love in the brain. Love in the heart. Love Love Love!

Illustration of a diamond

When I searched inside myself and dealt with all my issues that promoted a negative energy- I found nothing but true love. Love is the key to spiritual growth. But, you have to be careful. It is often easy to fake love. To follow the illusion (maya) of love. Spiritual improvement is a slow processes and you are your own guru. You have to be loving and show your love with the utmost truth and vulnerability.

There are many ways to show your love and search inside yourself for the answers you seek. There is no right way. I started by just being kinder. Kinder in all my relationships. Kinder to my mom and sister equally as kind to a stranger. Kindness is the precursor to love. You cannot love without being kind first. I would catch myself being: negative, angry or judgmental and consciously make an effort to listen and observe first. What is spiritual growth anyways? It’s a journey filled with observation, effort, mistakes and growth. Kindness will guide you, even in the toughest times.

Again, search inside yourself. This requires some solitude and quiet time. Spirituality and practice go hand in hand. Practice your kindness, practice your love and practice your curiosity. When I reflect on my personal growth, from weight loss to financial success, I can confidently say none of it would have happened if it weren’t for the help and advice of others. The key? People showed me a lot of love. Friends, neighbors, strangers and co-workers, all loved me enough to share their time with me and look out for me when I was lost in life. Loved me enough to let me discover my spiritual awakening on my own. It’s a cycle of love. The diamond that you search for is inside of you wrapped in a blanket of ego and only love can help you touch it.

Love Love Love = Spiritual Awakening.

Artist: Kabir Singh

Musical Score/Production: Eric Tucker (Tree of Dreams Music)

Editor: Jeremy Irion

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Tap “Philosopher” in the navigation bar above to watch more on how to search inside yourself for the diamond of love and happiness via spiritual growth awakening.

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Urban. I hear that word a lot in the voiceover industry nowadays.  When I first started my voiceover career, I never expected to be one of the top professional urban voice over talent in the industry.  Having voiced urban style reeds for companies such as Pepsi, NBA, NFL and many others–I quickly became one of the go to male voice actors on the internet. Having an urban voice is merely not good enough. Along with an urban voice over demo, an urban voice over artist must have swag, style and personality.

Over the years, my urban flavor has been adjusted to meet the client’s needs. Some voice over spots require a less urban approach while others require a more street urban approach. For example, Gatorade might require a more street athlete urban approach, while Bank of America, might require a less street athlete urban approach. As a professional urban voice talent one must be able to tweak the cadence, attitude and swag as needed. Bud Light needed an urban voice talent with balance. A voice actor that could walk the think line of cocky and cool authentically. This super bowl spot for Bud Light was a great way to showcase just the right urban flavor.

Bud Light voice over commercial

I cannot express how many times during live sessions, I have had to candidly discuss my race, vocal print and style to a client. I get it- I am an East Indian born, Hispanic looking young guy that talks with a lot of urban, African American culture and flavor. It can get confusing but its all in good nature. It is my experiences in urban environments and neighborhoods that influenced my speech patterns. One vocal quality that clients expressed they were attracted to with my voice is not that it’s just urban, but rather, its authentically urban and surprisingly unique. The poetic cadence and the natural pauses all attribute to a conversational voice over read that is relatable and pleasant.

This session with Bud Light was, in all honesty, quiet pleasant. I just had to be myself. I had to be my urban self. The self that was born in a trailer park, raised with Hispanics and African Americans and the self that kept it real. Spots like this come easy to me. It’s my “thing.” As I expand my urban voice over services online, I hope to offer only authenticity. Always keeping it real, urban or not. My goal is to serve my clients and respect their creative perspective.

Enjoy the Vo Hustle. Stay true to your vocal quality. Be unapologetically authentic. To become an urban voice over specialist one must study the personalities and characteristics of modern actors (on screen and off). Including rappers, athletes and commentators. Urban is not just a type, it’s a lifestyle. Urban is a feeling and truth. Loosen up and enjoy the lessons of the journey.

Voice Over: Kabir Singh

Client: Bud Light


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