Tag Archive for: voices.com website

The online marketplace for voice overs is constantly evolving. Every year new sites replace old sites promising a vast area of casting, auditions and talent. On the journey of voice acting online, talent will come across 3 main voice acting casting sites: voices.com, voice123 and voiceovers.com. I had my share of experience on all of these sites. Voices.com used to be a place where all up-and-coming voice actors started a career. Throughout the years the company, voices.com, has been plagued with negative reviews. Reviews that can be found simply by doing a Google search. But the truth is, voices.com wasn’t always a place that was looked down upon by the voiceover industry. The Voices.com website in fact, partnered with many Industry leaders including agents and casting directors in the early years. The Spring Moves commercial voiceover campaign was auditioned on voices.com and then flipped to an agent locally.

Commercial voice over campaigns all require a certain tone & energy in their delivery. It is the job of a professional voice over to harness and provide variations of this energy and tone. The producers at Spring Moves wanted a really urban sound. They wanted a young energetic athlete that was bold and courageous, to deliver their final copy. At first the producers expressed their hesitation with casting voice acting online, since it was the early days of the technology, however when they heard my audition they stopped their search for male voice actors. Music commercial voiceover is a popular demand in the new age of the internet. With devices and streaming services that constantly try to gain the attention of its consumers, much of the content being produced- combines masterful music with masterful voice acting. A commercial voice should sound trendy for its era. For instance, my voice print is a millennial and urban sound that is popular in 2019.

Urban style voice over actor

The final commercial voiceover for Spring Moves displayed a voice that was raw and poetic. With amazing visuals that motivated its audience to get out and move. The producers did a great job in directing the session and bringing out my inner athlete. It doesn’t really matter where you start your career. Voice123 or Voices.com- the opportunities for commercial voiceover campaigns are plentiful. If you’re going to learn how to be a voiceover actor- you should also learn how to run a voiceover business. Understand how to navigate the industry formalities and pay respect to the agents that work hard to get your foot in the door.

No two voice over actors are alike. Each of us has a unique sound and perspective and when we get our chance on the microphone, it is our job to hone in and master that sound. Campaigns such as Spring Moves allowed me to master my urban and poetic sound, and today, it is a branded signature sound.

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