Tag Archive for: voice overs com

Hey, what’s up? My name is Kabir Singh. I’m a voice actor, poet and a philosopher from Los Angeles, California. You can check out some of the work at kabirsvoice.com. Today, we’re gonna be talking about voiceovers.com. It’s a new and emerging platform in 2019 for voice actors to find high quality voice over projects.

Voiceovers.com was started by Matt Dubois and he’s a very nice guy. I’ve spoken to him, and as of 2019, he’s trustworthy and loved by the industry. The site has a lot of potential to grow and excel the careers of independent voice actors while still partnering up with your agents. Which is a big deal, especially if you’re familiar with the current climate in the voiceover industry.

Right now, traditional agents and technology are merging to create something that will benefit all. Full disclosure I’m a gold member in 2019. Speaking to Matt and the team at voiceovers.com it’s been a tremendously beneficial experience. Their platform is very nice, I love the color scheme and I love the technology in the backend.  

Voice over pro tips voiceovers.com

They have really cool tools like the D-Cipher Rate Guide- these are tools that will help voice actors really get their rates in line with expectations of buyers. There’s an old school and new school way of thinking and doing business in the industry. What I like about voiceovers.com, is that it’s beginning to merge the old school with the new school and I’m looking forward to the quality auditions on the website. Their team is doing a tremendous job of ranking first page on Google and spending a lot of money to do so. I can’t speak on it too much because it just launched. But, I can say as of right now in 2019, we have a positive outlook and I think it’s gonna be a great experience for every voice actor to one day be on the platform.

Again, you want to keep your hands partnering with these platforms and serve them, so that they can serve you- but do it with respect, do it with dignity and do it humility. If transparency is what you seek, then you’ll get it here. So check out voiceovers.com and see if its a good fit for you as you travel on your voice over journey. My name is Kabir Singh & you can check out some of my work at kabirsvoice.com, peace.

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