Tag Archive for: voice over voice actor

This Boys & Girls Club of America spec commercial is the voice of a big brother, a mentor and counselor that motivates and guides the youth in his/her community. Its message needed to be delivered with tender authority and love.

I grow up in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. The after school programs were not funded, the environment was challenging, and a healthy upbringing was far away for many teens in my community. Non profits such as The Boys & Girls Club of America, provided support and nurturing to many kids I knew, including myself. The passion of compassion and the love of self were some of the teachings I learned from my experience with The Boys & Girls Club of America.

When creating this spec commercial, I did so with my heart and soul. I reflected on the lessons, the challenges, the beauty and struggles of my childhood. I knew that the voice over needed to have a few key traits, such as it needed to sound: thoughtful, calm yet inspiring, mentor like, caring, urban relatable, and spoken with conviction. But beyond all that, it needed to be REAL. In order to really connect with our youth, the “Voice Actor” needed to NOT act. I channeled that feeling and attitude rather quickly. It was second nature to be reflective on my childhood.

Boys & Girls Club of America voice actor

To be the ‘best voice over artist” and “top voice actor online” is not of concern to me on a daily basis. I don’t care about these things. I only care about 1 thing. Being real. What is it to be real? How can one pursue being the best voice actor or top voice talent but not really practice acting? Your auditions are practice and they will serve you well. But to act well- you must be real.

I am no expert at acting. To be honest, I don’t think I’m that good. I suck at being characters. I suck at using my “imagination” gene. However, the one thing that I can say I am learning to master, is being real. Being Kabir and no one else. As I have matured in voice acting and life, I have learned that authenticity trumps all. Being “yourself” is where the power lies. The main reason I am considered one of the industry’s top voice actors is because I am mastering, with humility, on how to be myself.

Being real is all that mattered to me in this voice over for Boys & Girls Club America. It wasn’t about being the best or top voice actor, it was about relating to those teens that thirst for a dream. Those teens that get neglected and never really build up their confidence. I loved this spot. I love companies like the Boys & Girls Club of America and I hope one day I can become their go-to Voice Actor- that’s my dream.

Demo Created by: Kabir Singh and Tim Tippets (tim@timtippets.com)
A spec spot created for demo purposes only.

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